Friday, April 30, 2010

I Scream You Scream- Evelyn loves ice cream!

Guess who loves ice cream? After she polished off her dinner, she ate 1/2 of my whipped cream and 1/2 of Jay's ice cream!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Testing, Testing... ACTH.....

So far.... we haev been seizure free for 2 weeks.... holding our breath....

Miss Evelyn has a bit of "roid-rage" :) and is crabby ALOT (which is difficult because she is not typically a crabby-apple!)

However.... she is an EATING MACHINE..... OMG- she wants food- her little mouth and tongue open like a little bird... and she wants to help shove the food in... HILARIOUS! Will keep everyone updated!

Ev’s Overalls…..


ev hair 2

Miss Ev- Gotta Love That Smile!


Evelyn 001

Ev’s Doctor Appointment… Grrrrrr… :)


ev angry

Hello and Welcome

Our first post for Miss Evelyn Elise :) Our precious baby darling. Hello and Welcome!